Introducing the Honey & Herb brand provided us with a unique chance to address customer needs based on firsthand experience—a rare opportunity for entrepreneurs. Leveraging the insights gained from serving our customers over the previous 2.5 years under the franchise brand, we meticulously designed both the brand and menu to deliver precisely what our customers had consistently requested.
I am most proud of this brand.

- December 2023 to Present

I was a franchisee of a Breakfast restaurant brand. My team and I were able to overcome the challenges we faced and I learned the restaurant and hospitality business...building our location brick by brick. Eventually we were able to negotiate our separation from the franchise. That franchisor is unfortunately now defunct.

- June 2021 to December 2023

Conceived as the ultimate "Go-to Gift for Men," the concept of BroBasket originated in an MBA entrepreneurship class. Taking the business from a mere idea within the confines of a classroom, we dedicated seven years to transforming it into a robust e-commerce brand, achieving mid-seven-figures in revenue before our exit.

- December 2014 to March 2021